E-learning has brought a revolution in the world of education by making it simpler and easier to learn and get educated. However, every discovery brings some new challenges. Making e-learning courses and sharing them among others was becoming a tough task to do before the launch of SCORM. In 2002, when SCORM compliant learning was being launched by ADL, a Department of Defense organization in the USA, e-learning was getting a new set of wings to reach new heights. Since 2002, being SCORM compliant enables you to upload your e-learning course to any Learning Management System (LMS) that is also SCORM compliant.
Being SCORM Compliant means, you are adhering to the standards of SCORM and using various authoring tools to make your course more user-friendly. By following the SCORM standards you can easily set a communication between your online education course and any SCORM compliant LMS.
Now, there are numerous e-learning software and courses available on the internet that many people are depending on. SCORM compliant learning is very easy to handle and track. Developers can use multiple SCOs to make interactive and unique training modules. Let’s understand SCORM compliant solutions in depth.
SCORM refers to the Sharable Content Object Reference Model. It provides a set of standards and techniques that enables developers to craft e-learning courses and share them across multiple LMS platforms. It can also be used to track the progress of your learners and utilize the data to provide the best learning experience.
In simple terms, SCORM allows developers to write code in such a way that it will be compatible with other e-learning platforms. It has created a web of platforms to run training courses on any SCORM compliant platform. SCORM programs are mostly based on JavaScript. After the introduction of SCORM compliant learning in technology-led education, learners are able to navigate through their courses easily. It is flexible as it gives a highly compatible framework that works on various LMS platforms. To understand the relevance of SCORM compliant learning, we need to understand how SCORM actually works.
As you know SCORM-compliant solution is something that is resolving the chaos in the e-learning industry. However, knowing about SCORM will not be enough if you don’t know how it works for you.
As we have discussed, SCORM compliant learning can benefit both the learner and the programmer. It makes the learning part easy for the user and helps the programmer craft a course that can be launched on any SCORM compliant LMS platform. It completely depends on you to pick SCORM compliant courses or not. But there are certain benefits that you can see before making your mind on SCORM compliant learning:
SCORM compliant e-learning is helping both parties, learners, and programmers, to get better results from their efforts.
Additional Read: Learn about the Effects of AI in SCORM Compliant Solutions.
If you are thinking about releasing your e-learning course as a SCORM package, then you will have two SCORM versions to choose from. The two SCORM versions that are highly active are SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004. Both of them are great to use but they have their own differences in tracking success. Learn about the features of SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004 below:
The most usable version of SCORM worldwide is SCORM 1.2, hence, adopted by the industry. If you use this version then you will find most of the LMSs to support this version. SCORM 1.2 became a preference after its release in October 2001.
SCORM 1.2 has less set of standards compared to its other version, SCORM 2004. Having fewer complications while creating a course will allow the creators to use this version because of its easy implementation.
After receiving feedback on SCORM 1.2, ADL launched another version in 2004 January. SCORM 1.2 had a few shortcomings that needed to be corrected. SCORM 2004 is the latest version of SCORM released by ADL.
SCORM 2004 was launched with a few updates as new specifications were added to make the navigation better. It was thoroughly tested and reviewed by ADL to remove some unnecessary elements that were in the SCORM 1.2. SCORM 2004 is able to update both completed and passed/failed status, whereas, SCORM 1.2 was able to show either of them. If a person completes a test and fails it then both statuses will be shown in SCORM 2004 but in SCORM 1.2 it will be either completed or failed. This upgrade changes a lot of things in SCORM compliant e-learning. People started leaning towards the latest version. However, most people are still using SCORM 1.2 as the latest version is very voluminous in specifications and navigation.
E-learning is a booming industry and after the launch of SCORM things started getting easier and simpler for everyone. Countless people are getting help from the SCORM compliant learning system. Whether you are a learner or a programmer, you can benefit from the SCORM compliant e-learning system. Courses become easy to code and run. People are getting much better interacting courses with the help of SCORM. As we know engagement is essential if you are using e-learning courses to study. With the evolution of SCORM compliant learning, engaging courses are reaching the learners.